Lansdowne Lawn Tennis club
Lansdowne LTC was founded by Henry Dunlop in 1875 and was then known as the All Ireland Lawn Tennis Club, located in the rugby ground. It was in 1880 that the club was changed to Lansdowne Lawn Tennis Club. Lansdowne players were instrumental in the Irish invasion of Wimbledon in the 1890’s. Joshua Pim was the Wimbledon champion in 1893 and 1894 and with Frank Stoker (cousin of “Bram” the creator of Dracula) won the Doubles titles in 1890 and 1893.
In 1929, Lansdowne moved across the river from the grounds of Rugby Union to the grounds of the Irish Hockey Union and Three Rock Rovers. It was not until the early 1980’s, when “Three Rock Rovers” moved to Marley Grange, that Lansdowne LTC became an all year round club.
Over the years, many top Irish Internationals have played their league tennis for Lansdowne, and this is reflected in the outstanding league successes. The ladies have won Class 1 on thirty-six occasions, with the men’s 1 st team being champions twenty-six times.